Waiting for iOS 10.1.1 Jailbreak- Here are Best Tweaks to Play

iOS 10 is now centered to all of the jailbreak discussions. With the release of iOS 10.1.1 came focus to Health Data viewing trouble, iOS 10.1.1 Jailbreak reviews/discussions now circulate all over the web. And with all standing facts there will soon be a chance to grab iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak for all upgrade iOS 10.1.1. So here I thought bringing you some of the must-have Jailbreak tweaks once jailbreak iOS 10.1.1 is released. In that way have a look and try to find all your favorites among these latest Cydia tweaks.

iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak

iOS 10.1.1 Jailbreak State

Pangu came with first iOS 9 jailbreak about a month later from the official release. But here in iOS 10, we still not find anything working for any iOS 10 versions so far, including iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak for latest.

When iOS 10 at betas we found repeated promises with powerful iOS 10 Cydia demonstrations. And they promised user to come with a soon jailbreak once the software is accessed to general public. But for the distracting fact we still could not find any change in the state of jailbreak iOS 10 even when iOS 10.1.1 is released and iOS 10.2 is in betas. In that way it is still uncertain whether iOS 10-iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak is going be immediately in view of public or not. But for the bright side we can keep looking the powerful demos by couple of iOS hackers and also Chinese Pangu jailbreak developers and believe iOS 10 jailbreak is possible.

In that way iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak may drop in anytime depending on the way team Pangu or any other developing team going to work with the existing exploits. So all we can do at the moment is wait with all promises.

Please Note:

At the moment Pangu 9.3.3 is the latest for jailbreak iOS 9.2-iOS 9.3.3. So prevent upgrading to iOS 10.1.1 or any above iOS 9.3.3 if you still with working jailbreak rights. In case if you upgrade you will lose Cydia Download benefits with no date or time on when you will get them back. So sit tight to jailbroken version until iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak confirms. And also remember that you can only downgrade iOS 10.1.1 to iOS 10.1 by now as Apple has closed signing for all below versions.

 What are your Favorite Jailbreak Tweaks?


iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak

LockBrowser is a new jailbreak tweak for $0.99 which can make your iOS Lock screen  super smart. In fact the tweak makes space for unlimited browsing even staying on your lock screen. So try this new jailbreak tweak from Cydia’s BigBoss Repository and get a web browser on your iOS Lock screen.


iOS 10.1.1 Jailbreak

Crypto is new jailbreak tweak in Cydia that add more security to your content. This new jailbreak tweak can encrypt text on your iOS and make it password protected letting no one to reach without the permission. And you can also share your encrypted texts via iMessages, Facebook, WatsApp or any social media if the receiver is too a Crypto user. So try Crypto for about $1.99 through Cydia’s BigBoss Repo and make your text secure.


iOS 10.1.1 Jailbreak

ArtworkUpNext is a free tweak you can find new in Cydia. It is specially designed for Apple Music App which can queue songs to play Up Next from the Music app while listening to your favorites at the moment. This is a simple tweak sits in Cydia’s BigBoss repository for free with quick access to queue songs in Apple Music.


iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak

If you love to watch videos in your jailbroken iDevice, PlayDismiss is a must to view. It can hide the video control options with the tap on Play and gives you a best video experience through Apple Video Player. This is a free tweak in Cydia’s BigBoss repository which aims an improved video experience for the user.


iOS 10.1.1 Jailbreak

You can add different level of customization with Cydia tweaks. DimLockView is a new addition in the store which can dim the passcode page of the Lock Screen when you are unlocking. So with this free tweak you will be able to get a different unlocking experience.

Jailbreak community seems quiet. But that does not make Cydia lethargic from it development. above given are some of the recent addition in Cydia. So wait for more in times ahead and get ready to grab once iOS 10.1.1 Jailbreak is in view. Stay with us for all jailbreak news.

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